Few Boundaries, Expandable Box

Frontend CLI

This quick guide will guide you on how to use the frontend CLI.

Getting Start

FewBox frontend cli
FewBox frontend cli
Application: A scaffolding template for applications based on the Den UI library (den).
Website: A scaffolding template for websites based on the Den UI library (den-web).
Gateway: A scaffolding template for an API gateway based on GraphQL.
Task: A scaffolding template for a Kubernetes Job based on NodeJS.
Figma Plugin: A plugin template scaffolding based on the Den UI library (den).
Chrome Extension: An extension template scaffolding based on the Den UI library (den).
VSC Extension: An extension template scaffolding based on the Den UI library (den).
Office Add-in: An add-in template scaffolding based on the Den UI library (den).
Artificial Intelligence: An AI template scaffolding based on the Den UI library (den).
WeChat Mini Program: A WeChat Mini Program template scaffolding based on the Den UI library (den-taro).


1yarn global add @fewbox/cli


1yarn global remove @fewbox/cli


2#Use the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard to select the template type, which includes App, Web, Gateway, Figma Plugin, Chrome Extension, VSC Extension, Job, etc.