Few Boundaries, Expandable Box

Vsc Extension

This quick guide will guide you on how to use the Vsc Handoff extension.


FewBox download vsc
VSC integrated development environment.

Local Install

Offline version of the Vsc extension.
Open the extension page and click [...]
[Install from VSIX...] and select the vsix file.
In the future, you can skip this step and use the Vsc extension from the marketplace directly.

Online Install

Open the extension page, search for FewBox and install it, currently unavailable.


FewBox vsc setting
Get personal access token:Help and account > Account settings > Security > Personal access tokens
Bind personal access token.


FewBox vsc summary

Design System

FewBox vsc design system
Generate a color system and a typography system.


FewBox vsc asset
Generate Svg icons and Png images.


FewBox vsc component
AI intelligently generates component code.


Marketplace trading component code.